Sunday, August 28, 2005

Parent Involvement" Opening Day-Open House Ideas

According to the survey students whose parents are less involved in their education and in the life of the school frequently report that their parents are less involved in school, are less informed about what is happening at the school. Moreover the students tend to not do as well in school as their age mates . Take a look at page 90 in this by report clicking the link.

On a more positive note, The First Day Foundation has a web site well worth a look . The web site provides a wealth of information and videos about activities for the first day of school. They are big on involving the community and make a convincing case for doing so. Take a look here: First Day Foundation

And finally.... From the Lahontan Valley News. The local school surveyed parents and came up with an idea to offer open house 2 times during the day.
Open House

ABOUT THE AUTHORS Dr. Chuck and Su Amodeo are the authors of "Reaching the Hardest to Involve Parents" teacher/parent training manual. To learn more about parent involvement and training programs, visit their site at :

Technorati Tags : Parent+involvement, parent+involvement+in+school


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Parent Involvement: Is Your School Office Parent Friendly?

Whenever I go into a school office I am always impressed by the variability I experience with the office staff.

Some staff are gracious, while other are cautious and downright un-friendly. It doesn't seem to matter whether or not the school is located in a poor, middle class or affluent area of town.

I spoke with a parent in a workshop we were conducting in Dallas, Texas a couple of years ago. She was upset that she had difficulty getting the attention of the office staff. This got to the point that she removed here child from the school and found another.
What could have made the difference?

In a word ...Training

The schools administrator sets the tone for more than academics and discipline in the school. She needs to set in place, through deliberate action, the policies and guidelines for the manner in which office staff and teaching staff greet parents and community when they arrive at the school office.

A customer service training workshop for staff should be offered every year.
The training program should focus on:

1. The school mission
2. School policy
3. Proper ways to greet the visitor
4. How to handle upset parents

The thoughtful school administrator will consider the office environment if they want to encourage parent involvement in schools.

She should do everything possible to make the environment " parent-friendly". A comfortable place to sit (not student desks) as I have seen in some places!

Yes, parents should even be offered coffee or tea.

In this era of accountability, When No Child left Behind mandates new policy for parent involvement, our school offices and staff need to be held accountable for taking care of our customers - our parents, community and students.

ABOUT THE AUTHORS Dr. Chuck and Su Amodeo are the authors of "Reaching the Hardest to Involve Parents" teacher/parent training manual. To learn more about parent involvement and training programs, visit their site at :

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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Parent Involvement - Growing Ohana

In the small Town of Kahalu'u, Kahalu'u Elementary School has taken the art of parent involvement to a new level. This small town was recently named by the Hawaii Department of Education for oversight to improve teaching methods and test scores. Despite this designation, the school has soldiered on.

They begin with a "First Night Before School" dinner. Relying on donations and the contribution from parents, the school community assembles for an evening of fun and family and then "talk story" with staff, teachers and community counselors.
They are doing this by beginning with the end in mind. They have first day of school activities beginning at 3:30 pm, designed to involve all parents and faculty.

A Kinder Kamp for incoming Kindergarten students to help them ease the transition between school and home. to learn to get along in this very social situation and to help parents feel more secure about leaving their little one at school.

This school seems to be doing a great job of building "Ohana", (or family) in Hawaiian. They have not forgotten the importance of putting the family in the school. They are building partnerships between the home and school designed to improve academic achievement. A first day activity is a great method!

This idea is further outlined in the school's website:

"The purpose of the Kahalu'u School Ohana is to provide a forum which enables the Kahalu'u School Community, consisting of families, teachers and staff, to enhance the educational process of our children. The Ohana coordinates fund-raising, organizes special events, assists with school enrichment activities and coordinates parent volunteers. The Ohana elects two parent representatives to the SCBM Council and they in turn, report to the Ohana".

ABOUT THE AUTHORS Dr. Chuck and Su Amodeo are the authors of "Reaching the Hardest to Involve Parents" teacher/parent training manual. To learn more about their training visit their site at :

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